Monday, October 10, 2016

Mermaid Costume DIY

When my friends were having a big Halloween party (with a cash prize for best costume) I took my obsession with costumes and my general competitive nature and went crazy. The cash prize wasn't much incentive (I spent more than what I would win on contacts alone) but the desire to win was a huge draw. After spending a ton of time on Pinterest I decided I wanted to be a mermaid. I'm no twig so bikini was definitely not an option ... Especially during fall in New England. I sewed the skirt myself and bought the crop top from a clearance rack at the mall. I dyed my hair red, bought turquoise contacts and used the Pinterest-famous fishnet stocking trick to give myself scales. Half pearls were glued on using eyelash glue.

Sadly I suck and didn't get a picture of me in full costume with makeup etc.

In case you were wondering, yes. I won ;)

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