Saturday, January 21, 2012

Once upon a time....

I'm Marissa. I have always loved making things. I love cooking/baking, doing crafts, drawing and art in general. So here I am. An average person of average skill. I have spent hours, maybe days of my life scouring the web, checking out all sorts of DIY ideas and other nifty things. I always wanted to try them out. Some I have. Sadly they never look quite as I want them do upon completion but I still enjoy doing it. Somewhere along the line I decided maybe I'd start some type of "how- to." My posts probably wont fit into one category. My thoughts and ideas tend to be scattered so my topics may be as well. I will do my very best to make this fun and interesting though. When I make something, it gives me a sense of accomplishment that is rarely rivaled, and I hope that my tutorials can help you experience that feeling. Enjoy!

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