Friday, January 3, 2014

A "Thank You" Note With a Purpose

With the holiday season ending, the demand for cute, clever and creative gifts is dwindling. Which brings us to a new phase of the holiday: the post holiday thank you notes. Not everyone sends them but I was raised to. I usually procrastinate an embarrassingly long time to send them but with my new rule, I have been getting better. I decided that I wasn't allowed to cash any checks until thank you notes have been written. I don't know it anyone cares to receive them but I feel guilty if I don't send them. I typically don't care if I ever get one so why would someone else care? This year I was thinking about buying my thank you cards and hating it. You see, I have a stack of them at my parents house. That is six hours away. I could have written those thank you cards last week when I was there but... The procrastination. Then it came to me. What about recipe cards? I promptly chose  my favorite recipes and rewrote them on nice recipe cards that I already had. I then wrote my thanks on the back like a post card. Brilliant! I even matched recipes to who I think would enjoy them the most. So if you are trying to muster up the willpower to write some thank you cards try this. It's much more fun and hopefully more rewarding!

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